There are some things every woman should know about herself. Whether you're in your early 20s or nearing retirement, it's important to be aware of these 6 crucial facts. By understanding these things, you can work on improving your life and become the best woman you can be. So what are they? Keep reading to find out!

You are enough - you don't need anyone else's approval to feel good about yourself:
The only person who can make you feel bad about yourself is your own self- criticism. You are enough, and there's no need for anyone else to approve of or liking what I have done just because it seems like the right thing do at this moment in time.
God has already given you the approval that matters most, and it's time to stop trying so hard. You are enough- no one can take away your self esteem or make themselves feel better than they already do!
You have the power to change your life for the better:
The life you thought was set in stone? The one where nothing changed, and everything stayed exactly as it always had been is no longer valid.
It's time for womanhood to take back its power - because we are more than just victims of our circumstances; we're creators that can change this world into something better with each decision made about how they want their future brighten up!
Women, you are in control. You can make your life better than it has ever been before- so what's holding you back?
You deserve to be happy and fulfilled
It's time you started living your best life!
The woman in this image deserves happiness, fulfillment and a chance for her dreams. She has been through so much but she still believes that there is hope which means the potential of something great awaits ahead just around every turn - if only we try hard enough then maybe our greatest achievements can become reality too..

You are worth loving just as you are
Loving yourself is not easy, but it's worth every moment of struggle. Loving your true self will make you happier than anything else in this world could ever do!
Every day, I wake up and tell myself that you're worth loving just as you are. And yet somehow the voice in my head tries to convince me otherwise- tells of all your flaws or what's wrong with how things have gone so far; but no matter where it comes from (and believe me there seems nothing else besides this life) I continue on repeating these three words: "You're loved."
You deserve love, and so do you!
The way that woman sees herself may have changed over time. We all go through life feeling like we don't fit in some places or are too fat at other times; however there is never an expiration date on how much worthiness someone feels inside themselves- it's constant growth process based upon what she/he experiences throughout each day.
Woman, you are worth loving just as you're- a perfectly flawed human with all your strengths and weaknesses. Your uniqueness is what makes life beautiful!
You are capable of great things
I am woman, hear me roar!
I'm not going to let this little thing called life hold back from what I want for myself.
You have the power, creativity and intelligence that is often hidden in women who face barriers to success because they're told their gender will never allow it , but they did it anyways and became successful. You have that same power. Don't you ever underestimate yourself!!
Life is precious, so make the most of it!
In the hustle and bustles of woman life, do not forget to enjoy it!
In this hectic world we live in today where there is never enough time or energy for everything that needs doing - sometimes you just need a little help with getting back on track. That's why I've put together a course on "how to be happy everyday". YOU can make your day more enjoyable no matter what phase (or stage)of being busy/tiredness- displacement mode may have brought us out into."
It is important for every woman to know and understand these six things about herself. While this list may not be exhaustive, it is a great starting point. Embrace who you are and love the journey – it’s sure to be filled with plenty of surprises along the way! How do you feel after reading this article? Are there any points that resonate particularly strongly with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.